Category Archives: humor

Support Under The LobsterScope with $5.00 or more…

…and get “Bill’s Century Marks,” a great image font, based on authentic turn-of-the-century (and later) ornaments and images from a number of historic sources, e-mailed to you immediately.

Just Go HERE.

Thanks, Bill.



We’ve fallen behind this weekend…

The boys we had expected from Shepherd to help us carry out more boxes were kept away by a combination of sports practice and a paper assignment, so the two old people (me and Elly) who need the carrying strength lost another weekend of mass moving.

We’ll do more of the “this ‘n that” level of packing and moving by carload during the week and hope to get our carriers next weekend.

Meanwhile, our kitchen is pretty much set up and operating in the new house:


Anyway, maybe we’ll be done before the end of April and can get the Town House on the market.

Is April 13th a return to the American Culture we would rather forget?

Not if you are the Farrelly Brothers:

Peter Farrelly and Bobby Farrelly at the 2009 ...

Peter and Bobby Farrelly

My guess is that Elly will say “Let’s stay home.”

Best Political Definition of the Week… The Republican Budget Plan

I found this one in Truthout, and thought it was both truthful and revealing. See if you agree.

The Republican Budget, Explained

By Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future

The new Republican budget plan:

Smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke, smoke.

Fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog, fog.

Mitch McConnell, the Speaking Vagina, presents the Republican Case for revising the budget... Yeah!

Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense.

Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda, propaganda.

Obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation.

Mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors, mirrors.

Stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff.

Smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears, smears.

Division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Division, division, division, division, division, division, division, division.

Distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction, distraction.

Bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement, bamboozlement.

Diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion, diversion.

Shiny Object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object. Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other. Shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object, shiny object

And when it is all cleared away:

Tax cuts for the 1%, cuts in the things We, the People do for each other.

Paul Ryan and the rest of them are sitting in confidence that all Americans will see them as the budget champions who will make everything better for all of us. Maybe we will have an American populace that realizes what a fraud that is.

Cartoon(s) of the Week – The State of Our World Changes

Robert Ariail in the Spartanburg Herald-Journal:

A whole party that can’t find the main issue…

– and –

Pat Oliphant, Universal Press Syndicate:

A state that has found a neat use for guns…

Clay Bennett in the Chattanooga Times Free Press:

A government that could take control of women’s reproductive health…

– and –

Mike Luckovich in the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

An enemy that responds to our media…


I wonder..I wonder…I wonder. How do the Republicans trap lower middle class voters?


Oh. I see. They use stupidity.

Did you hear this one from Santorum?

Source: Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire:

“You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who’s just going to be a little different than the person in there. If you’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate of the future.”

Rick Santorum, quoted by NBC News, suggesting Republicans may be better off with President Obama than Mitt Romney.

This reference to Romney as the “Etch A Sketch candidate” is showing up everywhere today… on public radio as I drove to my morning meeting, in my search for political cartoons for Sunday, on all the TV news shows today.

Here’s my favorite political cartoonist, Mike Luckovich’s view of the Etch A Sketch attack (and a pretty accurate view of the results):

So let’s be clear. The Repiglicants get closer and closer to nominating Romney, but clearly he is a candidate they wish was not there.

I wonder what toy you would compare Santorum to?

Quote (heh heh) of the Day…

Thanks to All Hat, No Cattle for citing this one:

When I heard the Republicans were in President Obama’s home state, I said, “They’re holding a primary in Kenya?”

Craig Ferguson

I’ll have to start tuning in on Craig again…

The Philosophy of Friendship…

Sometimes testing is very simple and the results are more than obvious.

I say this after just getting back from my weekly bout with ongoing depression with my therapist and being met at the door by Byron and Nestle, the two demanding dogs who are both thrilled to see me (and who want their lunch.)

I can’t imagine anything more pleasant than being greeted by two furry things who seem to have no other function in life than paying attention to me paying attention to them.

Moving to the new house has been somewhat of a confusing experience for the two of them, but they now seem to have centered on favorite spaces and times when things happen (lunch, walk, etc.) that pertain to them.

A question to stump your Republican friends:


Meanwhile we wait for it all to trickle down. And we wait… any sign of the trickle down yet?

If It Wasn’t For Big Government (I picked this up while surfing blogs)

Just The Messenger

March 15, 2012, by fidlerten

If it wasn’t for Big Government – we would be driving on dirt roads and it would probably take us months to drive from the East Coast to the West Coast or vice versa. And, if we did decide to make a trip across the country, we had better bring a boat because we’ll need it to cross the many rivers that our country has.

If it wasn’t for Big Government – we would be probably still using outhouses or at least we’d all have our own septic tanks that we’d have to maintain because there would be no water treatment plants or sewage systems to carry our human waste away from our homes. We would also need to dig our own wells so that we could all get water.

If it wasn’t for Big Government – many of us wouldn’t be alive because we…

View original post 786 more words

Quote for the Morning – Santorum has it in the bag (trash bag, of course)

“If we’re able to come out of Illinois with a huge or surprise win, I guarantee you, I guarantee you that we will win this nomination.”

Rick Santorum

Guarantee? Is Illinois a “winner take all” state? Did everyone forget that the Santorum campaign failed to file a full slate of delegates in four districts in Illinois so odds are Romney will emerge the delegate winner despite who wins the state.

Politicians who make guarantees are worth ignoring.

Why I still like Ike…

All Hat, No Cattle posted this picture with quote (one I’ve used before and keep in my quote collection.) Makes you wonder what will happen to the current Repiglicans…

It is “they are stupid” that stands out.

Flash! Pat Robertson gives approval to Oral Sex in Marriage!

Well… one can be against having health insurance cover birth control, but can approve oral sex in marriage. Isn’t that one of the simplest forms of birth control?

Where are you leading us, Pat?… America’s employers will need to know before deciding whether their female employees should be denied birth control on religious and/or moral grounds.

Did you notice that Pat said “between two people who are married” and not “Between a man and a woman who are married”?

Oh, Pat… are you slowly crawling into the twenty first century?

Someday I’d like to go to the TED Conference…

… but as things look now, both economically and physically, I’ll probably never get the chance.

For those not familiar with TED, here is their statement:


TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design — three broad subject areas that are, collectively, shaping our future. And in fact, the event is broader still, showcasing ideas that matter in any discipline. The format is fast paced: 50+ talks over the course of four days (to say nothing of the morning and evening events). This immersive environment allows attendees and speakers from vastly different fields to cross-fertilize and draw inspiration from unlikely places. This is the magic of TED.


TED holds three yearly conferences: TED at Long Beach, California, TEDActive at Palm Springs, California (which runs concurrently with TED at Long Beach) and TEDGlobal in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Attending a TED conference is by application. There are several levels of conference membership, and attendance fees depend on which level and conference you choose. Become a TED Live member to watch both TED and TEDGlobal live in your home, school, or office.

Thankfully, the TED folks post the best lectures on YouTube and I get to enjoy them at no charge and get something important to think about.

For instance, from the recent conference in Long Beach, CA, is this talk by Adam Savage showing how great ideas come from very simple sources:

To find out more about TED, go to http://www.ted.comand be sure to take in some of the videos. You’ll find talks in many areas:

  • technology
  • entertainment
  • design
  • business
  • science
  • global issues

The Great Southern Primary Day

Well, it’s the Tuesday of the Alabama and Mississippi Republican Primaries (and the Hawaii Caucus as well), and everyone is waiting to see who carries the South.

All of the remaining candidates have been sucking up in great Southern fashion (of course, Ron Paul remains in his same format… no need to change here.) Romney raves over “cheesy grits,” although I’m not sure they will ever get on his campaign plane’s menu. Santorum pushes himself as the “true Conservative”when he faces the Romney challenge. Newt knows he is from the south and needs to get at least one of the two states to maintain his position if there is a brokered convention.

Of course, all of them have to look squarely in the eye of the EDUCATED SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE POPULATION! How educated? Well, as examples:

The poll of Mississippi Republicans found that 52% said they believed Obama is a Muslim, 36% weren’t sure and only 12% said they believed he is a Christian


Alabama Poll

See? This is a thinking group of voters who are not held back by either truth or proof. They believe what they want to believe, right or wrong. How this relates to the current candidates, we will know tomorrow.

A Quote for the Morning – Here’s some prime speculation…

So the rumor is that Newt has picked Rick Perry to be his VP partner… Wouldn’t that make a swell team?

If there is any chance that a brokered convention, like the one the Repiglicuns are getting closer and closer to having, this could be the nominated package. You can bet the Democrats are saying “Good luck, guys.”

A Newt staffer said this, though:

“Gov. Perry thinks Newt Gingrich is the strongest conservative to debate and defeat President Obama and truly overhaul Washington. The speculation is humbling but premature.”

Worlds Best Graffiti VII – Getting near the end of the collection…





Under The LobsterScope once again asks for Your Help so we can keep going…

…but there’s something in it for you (beyond the daily blog goodies put out for your enjoyment):

Support this blog with $5.00 or more…

…and get “Bill’s Cast O’ Characters,” a great image font,based on authentic turn-of-the-century ornaments in the Barnhart Bros. & Spindler specimen book, e-mailed to you immediately.

So many of you have been following this blog since 2004 that I feel like a member of a huge web community.

I have enjoyed bringing you The Cartoon or Cartoons of the Week, the Quotes, the Political and Arts News, the Blogrolls to the best sites in America and beyond… They are all a joy to put together. Often we get the breaking political stories before you see them anywhere else. And our wide open communication channels with readers can’t be beat.

Well, once again, I need YOUR help to keep it going. I’m hoping you will make a small contribution, by PayPal or credit/debit card, in support of Under The LobsterScope. You’d be amazed at how much $5.00 can do to help me bring more and more to these pages. And it is probably the LOWEST annual subscription fee you will make to any publication… interactive or not.

And for a contribution of $5.00 (or MORE) you will receive a copy of my Picture Font, Bill’s Cast O’ Characters  – one of my very favorites and my most used.

(I send you the True Type versions for both Macs and PCs by email). I regularly sell this font for $29.95. (See the Sample Below.)

You should know, however, that even a contribution of only $1.00 adds to the ability of this unemployed blogger to find things for your benefit, and gives you my heartfelt thanks. By clicking on the DONATE button below, you tell me that Under The LobsterScope makes a difference in your time on the web.


– Bill T.


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Cartoon(s) of the Week – You Can’t Always Get What You Want… Thank Goodness!

Drew Sheneman in the Newark Star-Ledger:

So, if you get elected we’ll drop the big boy on Iran?


Tony Auth in The Philadelphia Inquirer

So, if you get elected we’ll eliminate education?


Tom Toles in The Washington Post:

So, if you get elected we’ll reduce population by increasing the death rate?



So, if you get elected you’ll be able to mandate gas prices?


David Horsey in the L. A. Times:

So, if you get elected you won’t get eaten up by your own deficit policy?


Were starting our second week of major moving…

The truck and the Shepherd University boys are out again today to do two more runs from the townhouse to the farmette…and even then we won’t be done. I did 2.5 carloads yesterday with the help of my buddy John Case (thanks so much, John) and another carload the day before and will probably be doing them all week.

Meanwhile the new house is a pile of boxes and other unpacked items waiting for racks and shelves to show up… hopefully we’ll put lots of these things away this week. I especially would like to see the kitchen more workable.

Right now I’m over at WSHC waiting for my show to start (an hour earlier and an hour shorter today due to baseball season)… then I’ll be going over to the townhouse to fill my car while the boys fill the truck.

Onward and upward.

Conservative politics takes another downward step…

I am constantly amazed by the incredibly unsettling nature of tea-party politics. I would hope that politicians running for office (or even non-politicians for that matter) would have some kind of informed knowledge about national needs and issues.

Then something like this happens (according to the AP):

Samuel Wurzelbacher gained the nickname “Joe the Plumber” for expressing working-class concerns about taxes to then-candidate Barack Obama during a stop to the region.

The Toledo-area plumber defeated Steve Kraus, a Sandusky real estate agent, early Wednesday to grab the GOP nomination in Ohio’s 9th Congressional District.

I remember his discussion with Obama on the 2008 campaign trail and I am not impressed with the man. Actually, I think he is somewhat of a joke (and great fodder for both the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert.)

I’m beginning to think the national elections this year are going to be the most entertaining and amusing in years. Hopefully, we will survive as a nation.

World’s Best Graffiti VI – As you can see, I’m being lazy…

… while I’m in the process of moving houses, I’m not doing my usual political ramble (of course, I’ve had no television to pick up the political stuff, but, wonder of wonders, Comcast showed up this morning.)

Anyway, here are a few more wall art masterpieces;

I love the tiger!

Cartoon(s) of the Week – Eve of Destruction

Jim Morin in the Miami Herald:

Education destroys Santorum’s world…

-and –


Tom Toles in the Washington Post:

…and unchangeable opposition is destroying the Congress

-and –


Ted Rall from UClick:

…and the Right wants to destroy social benefits

-and –


Mike Luckovich in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

… and, while we’re at it, let’s destroy America’s sex life…

-and –


Lee Judge in the Kansas City Star:


Of course, we’ve already destroyed the influence of average citizens on our government.


World’s Best Graffiti V – Wonders on Walls

Here’s some more… thanks for all the email comments.





Have a good evening… Bill