Daily Archives: October 8, 2010

News from Nevada – Top Republican Endorses Harry Reid, Slams Sharron Angle

Harry Reid has a close fight going on in Nevada to maintain his Senate seat, despite Sharron Angle‘s near-insane stands on just about everything. It looks like she has  turned off at least one leading state Republican… one who has never supported a Democrat before. This from HuffPo:

Nevada State Sen. Bill Raggio, who is considered to be one of the most influential Republican lawmakers in the Silver State, endorsed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in his reelection fight against GOP challenger Sharron Angle on Thursday.

Raggio has served in the Nevada state legislature since 1972, and told “Face-to-Face” host Jon Ralston this week that never in that long career had he endorsed a Democrat. But given the caliber of his own party’s nominee, he said in a statement Thursday, that time has come.

“What is difficult to overlook is her record of being totally ineffective as a four-term assemblywomen, her inability or unwillingness to work with others, even within her own party, and her extreme positions on issues such as Medicare, social security, education, veterans affairs and many others,” Raggio said of Angle.

Raggio, of course, has another reason to dislike Angle, who made a failed attempt to unseat him in 2008. He also challenged his Republican colleagues who have lined up behind Angle’s campaign.

Recently Raggio also made his point in a NY Times interview:

“I would say there are a lot of Republicans who will find it difficult to support Sharron Angle. Abolishing the Department of Education, phasing out Social Security, those are pretty extreme positions. I think any incumbent is vulnerable, but you have to have somebody that is also acceptable if you’re going to win.”

With only 25 days left until the election, getting an important Republican’s endorsement, however reluctant it is, is something which could keep Reid a point or so ahead.



I was watching Dylan Ratigan’s show as I wrote the above entry and just caught Sharron Angle making the statement that two major American cities are now under Islamic control. What do Republicans drink in Nevada?

For your morning entertainment…

“The Coffee Wars” by Kill The Lobster:

Christine “dabbled” in Witchcraft…
