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Can we Pleeeez keep the damned Church away from the State?

David Barton, is a Republican Party activist, pentecostal preacher and fast-talking, self-promoting, self-taught, self-proclaimed historian who is miseducating millions of Americans about U.S. history and the Constitution.

Barton has been profitably peddling a distorted “Christian nation” version of American history to conservative religious audiences for the past two decades. His books and videos denouncing church-state separation have been repeatedly debunked by respected historians, but that hasn’t kept Barton from becoming a folk hero for many in the Religious Right. His eagerness to help elect Republicans has won him gratitude and support from national as well as state and local GOP leaders. Former senator Sam Brownback, now the governor of Kansas, has said that Barton’s research

provides the philosophical underpinning for a lot of the Republican effort in the country today – bringing God back into the public square.”

David Barton seems to have discovered the scientific principle of testing your theories. He has actually developed a thesis and he says he could go a lot of places with it. I’m sure you can imagine most of those places he is going.

Here, see what you think about Barton’s new thesis:

Wouldn’t it be interesting to do a study between those that are on welfare and see how much and how often they read the Bible. You know, if Booker T. Washington is right that Christianity and reading the Bible increases your desires and therefore your ability for hard work; if we take that as an axiom, does that mean that the people who are getting government assistance spend nearly no time in the Bible, therefore have no desire, and therefore no ability for hard work? I could go a lot of places with this. I would love to see this proven out in some kind of sociological study, but it makes perfect sense

So you welfare collectors would all be successful workers if you only read the Bible! I bet folks like me who get Social Security (for which we worked our whole careers contributing to) but don’t read the Bible are on the same social bottom.

Think about how much more successful a Mitt Romney is, since he has The Book Of Mormon as well as the Bible.


North Carolina Pastor: Pen In ‘All The Lesbians And Queers’ With An Electrified Fence, Wait For Them To ‘Die Out’

What is it that gives Religion the kind of Clowns that North Carolina does?

North Carolinians voted to alter the state’s constitution to ban same-sex marriage… why? They were largely moved by fear-tactics fueled by far right religious groups bent on punishing lesbians and gay men. The vote also makes North Carolina, as The New York Times notes, the last state in the South to marginalize gay people with a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

Now we have a North Carolina Pastor with a kind of “leper colony” proposal to end the problem of gays and gay marriage. He’s Charles Worley, and he proposed this to his wrapt congregation this week:

“I figured a way out — a way to get rid of all the lesbians and queers. But I couldn’t get it passed through Congress. Build a great big large fence, 150 or 100 miles long. Put all the lesbians in there. Fly over and drop some food. Do the same thing with the queers and the homosexuals. Have that fence electrified so they can’t get out. Feed ‘em, and– And you know what? In a few years they’ll die out. You know why? They can’t reproduce.”

Don’t you just admire the logic of that? You KNOW the Bible‘s “agin’ it”… here’s Worley’s speech:

Victoria Lamb Hatch, who I have quoted in this blog before, made a fine summary statement on Worley’s little diatribe:

Does this mentally arthritic idiot know that the vast majority of gay people are born to straight people? Does he know that penning up gay people and waiting for them to die out won’t solve his “problem” because straight people will just continue birthing gay babies? Does he know that anyone who “can’t reproduce” would die out anyway, penned up or not?

Does he know that he’s a hateful, evil person who isn’t earning God‘s favor with comments like these?

I guess Victoria doesn’t realize it, but torturing the gay/lesbian community is where all the FUN is. Right?

Quote from the Looney…the Religious Insane:

I wonder why he’s no longer a Navy Chaplain.

Former navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, founder of the lobbying group Pray In Jesus Name Project, appeared on a progressive talk show (The David Pakman Show) this week to criticize President Barack Obama’s endorsement of same sex marriage. He ended up promoting his theory that gay people unknowingly secrete invisible, evil creatures which find and possess certain animals, turning them gay as well:

“It is entirely possible — we know from the Bible, for example, when Jesus cast the devil out of Legion, he went into a herd of pigs. So, it is possible for demons or the devil to inhabit or invade animals just the same way they invade humans, and that causes the sin of lust.”

So, if you’ve been wondering what causes gay pigs, here is the answer from a guy who thinks the LGBT community has an agenda” to “repopulate their population by recruiting the children of heterosexuals.” And animals, too.

Klingenschmitt thinks everyone is borne heterosexual, but is converted to homosexuality mostly by gay television programming. So I think we can solve the pigs problem by just turning off the TVs in the sty.

What? They don’t have television in the sty?



A quote for this morning… from my favorite Atheist Commentator

Ken Ham is currently hawking his new book, Already Compromised, in which he whines about the way universities — even many bible colleges — don’t take the Old Testament absolutely literally. This leads, of course, to students actually examining evidence and arguments outside the Bible, which inevitably leads to…atheism.”

– P J Myers in Pharyngula

Here’s one of Ken Ham’s dribblets:

In Genesis 6:19-20, the Bible says that two of every sort of land vertebrate (seven of the “clean” animals) were brought by God to the Ark. Therefore, dinosaurs (land vertebrates) were represented on the Ark.

Gee… where did they go?

Kentucky. Isn’t that where Mitch McConnell comes from?

Of courser, it beats spending money on Education…
Thanks to PZ Myers at Pharyngula:

clipped from
Hooo-weeee! Look what the state of Kaintucky is gittin’ for $37 million!

This ain’t gonna be free: the state guvmint is kickin’ in $37 million in tax incentives to help a gang of Bible-totin’ theocrats build a fancy Disneyland for ignoramuses. This is what it’s gonna look like, they think:



Lookie there: the centerpiece will be a genuwine, life-sized, full scale copy of Noah‘s very own ark, all 300 cubits by 50 cubits by 30 cubits of it, and they say it’s gonna be built with materials and methods as close to possible as the ones in the Bible. Where they gettin’ gopherwood? And are they really gonna build it with handsaws and mallets and wooden pegs? That’s gotta be impressive, but it’s gonna be tough to git’r done by 2014.
They also claim this big ol’ project is going to make 900 jobs in Kentucky. I don’t believe it. Read your Bible.
They’re cuttin’ corners here with their non-floatin’ critter-free ark, so I’m expectin’ they’ll hire six, at most. And that’s generous.

Those Kentukyans just stuck us with Rand Paul, too. How they spend their tax money is their business. Hope to hell it’s not Federal Tax Money, because that means some of it is mine.

Juan Cole points out the amazing changes that will happen in Congressional Committees…

Rep. John Shimkus

Shimkus of Illinois

… in particular the Energy and Commerce Committee where John Shimkus (R – IL) is seeking the Chairmanship:

Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.), who will seek the Energy and Commerce Committee chairmanship maintains that we do not have to worry about climate change because God promised in the Bible not to destroy the world again after Noah’s flood.

The video I posted got pulled by YouTube as ‘spam’, which it isn’t, so I presume Google was successfully trolled; but I found another one; unfortunately it has added expletive subtitles for which I apologize.

YouTube has the video:

About half the newly elected Congressmen are climate deniers (and if past experience is any guide, about a third of them are criminals).

You know how climate change deniers are always saying that in past geological ages carbon dioxide reached 1000 parts per million or more in the atmosphere, with no dramatic effect on the world’s temperatures? Yeah, just an increase of 2.5 to 5 degrees.

– Juan Cole

I know we’ll be much more secure knowing that God will protect us from Global Warming (I wonder if God was trying to protect the Dinosaurs… just like I wonder how Jonah survived being dissolved by stomach acid in the Whale’s digestive tract.) How did America vote these idiots into power?

I am so happy that we have Juan Cole to keep our focus on what’s happening here… he is a major star in the blogosphere.