Daily Archives: February 13, 2012

A quote for the day… another view of the Religion conflict

When did the 1st Amendment change from basically saying that you can practice whatever religion you want and you won’t be burned at the stake as a heretic and we’re not going to form or recognize a national religion like the Church of England? When did it change to “everyone everywhere has to do what a bunch of old catholics in funny hats wants, because otherwise it hurts their feelings?” And why does it only apply to certain religions?

– John Cole at Balloon Juice.

I’m not sure what the government is ready to do for non-religionists (like me). My thought is that they would be totally unconcerned with the beliefs of atheists (like the belief that women should control their own lives and have the absolute right to protect their bodies and maintain their reproductive activities… or reject them entirely.)

If you listened to the Republicans (mostly male) at C-PAC in their comments on opposition to birth control and abortion or maintenance of some religious beliefs applicable to EVERYONE, then you know who people like me can’t help to support and vote for.

I’ve been trying to convince my dogs that they should help around the house…

… so I showed them this video:

Nestle went back to sleep and Byron picked up a chew toy and ran upstairs.

So much for dog responsibility.