Daily Archives: June 2, 2012

Favorite Quote of the Day…

Jon Stewart responding to Bill O’Reilly after the Fox News host said he was going to hell:

Here’s what you and your minions don’t understand, O’Reilly. Your hell doesn’t scare me. I make my living watching Fox News eight hours a day. I’m already in hell.”


(thanks to All Hat, No Cattle)


When Romney fingers Obama on Solyndra, he should wash his hands off first…

This from today’s Boston Herald:

A Bay State solar panel developer that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor has gone belly up — a day after the GOP presidential hopeful ripped President Obama’s green-energy investments.

Lowell-based Konarka Technologies announced late yesterday that it filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection and will cease operations, lay off its 85 workers and liquidate.

“Konarka has been unable to obtain additional financing, and given its current financial condition, it is unable to continue operations,” CEO Howard Berke said in a statement. “This is a tragedy for Konarka’s shareholders and employees and for the development of alternative energy in the United States.”

The demise of Konarka could become a hot topic on the campaign trail because Romney personally doled out a $1.5 million renewable energy subsidy to the Lowell startup in 2003, shortly after taking office on Beacon Hill.

And on Thursday the GOP candidate was stumping outside the shuttered Solyndra solar-panel factory in California, blasting the Obama administration’s $535 million loan as a symbol of “crony capitalism.”

“If Romney gets a little bit of heat because he participated in some of these policies at a point in time, it’s all fair in the world of politics,” said state Sen. Marc Pacheco (D-Taunton). “He’s criticizing on one hand, he’s got to take criticism on the other.”

A Romney spokesman could not be immediately reached for comment.

(there’s more)

From Talking Points Memo: New Poll Gives Obama Small Lead

A new CNN/ORC International poll released Friday shows President Barack Obama with a narrow three-point edge over Republican nominee Mitt Romney among registered voters nationwide.

According to the poll, Obama garners the support of 49-percent of voters while Romney trails with 46-percent support.  The poll, which was conducted May 29-31, included a sample of 895 registered voters.  It has a margin of error of 3.5 percent.

The TPM Poll Average currently shows Obama nursing a very small lead over Romney.

Things are changing slowly and yesterdays economics report won’t help. What happens in June is going to be pertinent to the overall process.