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It’s July Fools Day…

We’re getting ready to celebrate the 4th with Congressmen everywhere sucking down hotdogs and beer and telling us all how they love America and will get our budget balanced and get the evils out of government. Then they get into their Koch Brothers paid cars and head for the next community cookout so they can check it off on their itinerary.

Meanwhile, we decide not to spend too much this weekend. There’s a good chance these dipshits will let the government close down and my Social Security check won’t be there in August, so I have to save cash now (gosh, does this mean I’m helping to lower the economy further because I’m not buying anything?) for basics through the end of summer.

And while I know there’s no fool like a July fool, I’m afraid the fool is me because I didn’t prevent these guys from doing all this (but now you’ll never catch me buying a Bounty paper towel.) You didn’t either.

Afternoon… still depressed.


Looks like I may be doing more walking. If the car comes in with a closer to $1500.00 or lower, we may be able to add it to a credit card (not something I really wan to do), but if it comes in closer to $2000.00 or more then we probably don’t have enough credit line on that card to do it. In that case, the car might as well be sold for parts.

Brown’s is still a ways away from coming up with a final quote, and I have to start getting ready for the theater tonite… I have to go earlier than I would have in order to catch a ride with Laura Bakin. John will likely bring me home tonite (he’ll have to pick me up for the radio show tomorrow as well.)

So in the middle of all of this the kitchen phone rings and it’s some Cancer fund raising money, and this sweet sounding Bimbo asks for ME with a tone in her voice like she KNOWS me (except she calls me “William” and you know right there that this is someone playing with an address book.) I unpleasantly hang up on her, and turn to do the dishes. Then I can take a shower and get changed for Full Circle Theater. If I can keep busy I’ll stop thinking about everything else.



Still haven’t heard from Brown’s. I’m waiting for Laura to pick me up. The dogs had their afternoon walk and I watered the garden, so I’ve done my immediate housework. I’m not thrilled about working the light booth tonite. Just to cheer myself up, I put the blog into a new template… hope you like it.

Sky is getting gray and it feels like a storm is coming.

Gloom and Doom…

I am devastated. My car is in the shop again… pretty much for the same reasons that it was a couple of weeks ago. As I was coming back from grocery shopping and a few other things in Martinsburg, my car started to overheat, steam came out from under the hood and I stalled out. I called Brown’s who supposedly had fixed this (for a price equaling most of my Social Security check for last month) and now they are telling me it may be a head gasket which they would not have known about the last time (so they say) and this will be expensive.

On top of this, I can’t get to Full Circle Theater at 5:00 to do the tech rehearsal Malinda wants.  I have left a message on her phone, but she has not gotten back to me.

I’m in the process of calling others at the theater to see if they can pick me up, but so far I haven’t hit on one that wasn’t at work or that could get to the theater by 5:00.

I’m going to have to find a way to get some additional money this month… either sell something or pick up a project or something. If I can get an extra couple of hundred dollars I can probably get through this. I’ll start working on the “income project” tomorrow morning. All this is making my blood sugar go through the roof, despite insulin and Metformin.