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Someday I’d like to go to the TED Conference…

… but as things look now, both economically and physically, I’ll probably never get the chance.

For those not familiar with TED, here is their statement:


TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design — three broad subject areas that are, collectively, shaping our future. And in fact, the event is broader still, showcasing ideas that matter in any discipline. The format is fast paced: 50+ talks over the course of four days (to say nothing of the morning and evening events). This immersive environment allows attendees and speakers from vastly different fields to cross-fertilize and draw inspiration from unlikely places. This is the magic of TED.


TED holds three yearly conferences: TED at Long Beach, California, TEDActive at Palm Springs, California (which runs concurrently with TED at Long Beach) and TEDGlobal in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Attending a TED conference is by application. There are several levels of conference membership, and attendance fees depend on which level and conference you choose. Become a TED Live member to watch both TED and TEDGlobal live in your home, school, or office.

Thankfully, the TED folks post the best lectures on YouTube and I get to enjoy them at no charge and get something important to think about.

For instance, from the recent conference in Long Beach, CA, is this talk by Adam Savage showing how great ideas come from very simple sources:

To find out more about TED, go to http://www.ted.comand be sure to take in some of the videos. You’ll find talks in many areas:

  • technology
  • entertainment
  • design
  • business
  • science
  • global issues