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Saturday Morning Senate Update – Republicans are being, well, pricks.

Here we are ending the second hour of this morning’s Senate jollities on C-Span and one thing has been accomplished: The defense spending bill passed 88 to 10.

That was followed by the Majority Leader submitting his awaited amendment to the Health Care Bill which he presented and, as is usual with every amendment presented, requested that the reading be waived. The Minority Leader objected… this is a stalling tactic, since it means the Clerk must read out the whole amendment to the Senate before anything can be discussed. This will, it seems, take a couple of hours.

When the Republicans pulled this stunt on Bernie Sanders the other day when he submitted his Single-Payer amendment, he finally withdrew the amendment after an hour or so of reading… I don’t think Reid will pull his out, so we are stuck in place as the reading goes on.

This is a good time to get on every Republican Senator’s website, find their phone numbers, and keep their staffs swamped with complaint calls. I don’t think they know we are watching and we should make ourselves heard.