Blog Archives

Insurance Companies are NOT going to GIVE UP!

Here’s a piece from Nailing Jello To The Wall – a blog I particularly like.
Put them on your regular visit list!
clipped from

“New Bill Would Raise Rates, Says Insurance Group”

Well. So nice of the insurance companies to suddenly become so concerned about our rates, isn’t it? I mean these are the same insurance companies who insist that they will not pay for my mother’s physical until she first submits a claim to Medicare — knowing full well that Medicare does not cover physicals.  No, these insurance companies insist that Medicare must waste time processing a claim which they have stated quite clearly — and upfront –  that they would not cover. Only then will the private insurance company — you know, the ones who are so concerned about us and who are oh-so-much-more efficient than Medicare — only then will they accept the claim for a physical.

Yeah.  It’s a great system we’ve got going here in the U.S. of A. ….

  blog it

Does it bother you that what the Insurance Companies are threatening is, if a Public Option goes in, UNTRUE? Does it bother you that this is a blackmail threat prior to the Senate Finance Committee voting on their bill, and the whole Congress putting together a final bill in which 4 out of 5 committees HAVE a Public Option.

Let’s get ready to be 1.) disappointed or 2.) totally supportive, depending on whether or not these Congressional doodlebrains are working for the corporate Insurance monster or for the American People. I hope they decide to earn our trust rather than our contempt.